Everyone should enjoy church… Including kids too!
Our new state of the art children’s and teen’s church provides and executes ‘youth focused’ worship, praise, and prayer on the First (1st), Second (2nd) and Third (3rd) Sundays. On the 4th Sunday they enjoy worship in the main sanctuary led by them. Children’s & Teen Church services consist of music, fun biblical studies activities and the preached Word of God. Look for the signage when you come on campus. All youth ages potty trained-17 are welcomed to join in worship during Children’s Church.
Age groups for Children’s and Teens Church is as follows: (potty trained-6yrs) (7-12) (13-17). Check-in is open from 9am-10:00am and ends once the main campus service is over. Children receive snacks upon departure.
Every child who wished to participate in Children’s & Teens Church or any other Youth Ministry event must be registered by their parent or guardian in our system. Please us the link below.
Your child spiritual and physical safety mean the most to us. Download and read our Policy & Procedures Guide today.

Children’s & Teen Church
Every 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sunday
Ages (potty trained)- 17 years of age
Our Sunday Children’s Church is a safe, fun, and interactive biblical based experience for kids.
Children’s church provides: biblical instruction, song, dance, scripture, and age appropriate group and individual activities and more.
Teens church takes place in the chapel
You can check in your child in the lobby. Look for the Children’s Church sign.

Young People’s & Children Division
The YPD provides meaningful youth trained programs and opportunities for leadership experience in all areas of church life.
We are committed to helping young people Grow, Glow, and Go for Christ. Children in the Young People’s Department go on to be extraordinary leaders in the home, school, community and the world.
Through the YPD opportunities for travel and national travel, training, and leadership are available.
Have a question about Children’s Ministry?
Please use the form below for any questions regarding our children’s ministry.